8 Simple Relationship Hacks to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

“Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words ‘for ever.’ But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don’t like doing it.”

Marian Keyes

I always wonder why many relationships become toxic or end tragically. Perhaps it’s because we tend to overlook small things in our relationship that can snowball into bigger problems if left unaddressed. Relationships are complex – they can be both strong and fragile simultaneously. It’s not uncommon for even a minor issue to cause a relationship to crumble.

You all must have read many expert articles/advice on relationships. But this blog is going to be different and interesting. In this blog, I am going to tell 8 relationship hacks that may help you to build your relationship stronger and more meaningful. So, keep scrolling.

Never discuss your past relationships with your partner.

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We all know that trust is necessary for a healthy relationship. Many of us believe that talking about our past relationship would help in building trust and making the relationship stronger. But sadly, this is not true. In fact, it is one of the biggest mistakes we make in our relationships.

Knowledge of past relationships to your partner may cause unreasonable comparisons between your past and present relationships which over a period of time can make your relationship weaker.

So, mate, if you want to keep your relationship healthy and strong then always look forward and never discuss your past relationships.

Never drag your partner’s family into the arguments.

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In any relationship, arguments are inevitable regardless of the bond or understanding. But many times, during relationship fights or arguments, we drag our partner’s family by commenting on his or her parents or siblings.

Respecting your partner is a must for a healthy relationship. However, when we disrespect our partner’s family by making cheap comments on them, we also insult our partner’s identity. We must understand that our partners’ family can also be their pride. And, when we damage our partner’s pride, we leave an indelible scar on our partner’s integrity and pride.

Always maintain a work-life balance.

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You must be thinking why I am talking about work-life balance in a relationship topic. Well, we know that work-life balance is a must for our mental and physical health. But work-life balance is also must for a healthy and stronger relationships.

The relationship needs your time and commitment. To ensure this it is necessary that you maintain a work-life balance and keep work and relationships apart. Avoid unnecessary late coming home from work. Leave your work issues at the workplace only and be mentally available to your partner after work. These days many people prefer to work from home. In such cases, we, usually, do not maintain a work-life balance and work at odd hours. But I believe that in work-from-home situations also we should fix our working hours, preferably office hours only, and dedicate the rest of the time to our personal lives.

If you don’t maintain a healthy work-life balance or you are not available to your partner, physically and mentally, even after work, you are making your partner feel lonely. And, if this is happening, you are surely killing your relationship.

Go on vacations, regularly.

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We all know that taking a break from our routine lives is important for good mental health. The same applies to our relationships. To ensure that your relationships remain exciting and healthy, you must take regular breaks from your routine life.

Vacations not only provide you a break from routine but also strengthen bonds with your partner. Whether it’s a romantic weekend getaway or a week-long adventure, taking time off to relax and connect with your partner can have a positive impact on your relationship and overall well-being.

By breaking away from your usual routine, you’ll have the opportunity to explore new experiences together, deepen your connection, and create lasting memories.

Surprise your partner with gifts on a regular basis.

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We know that giving a gift is a way to show affection and concern for someone. In any relationship, it is important to make our partners feel special and loved. One simple way to do this is by surprising them with thoughtful gifts.

Yeah, we all give gifts to our partners. But how often?  Mostly on special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries? Try surprising your partner with gifts without any occasion. You will feel that your connection with your partner is growing stronger. You don’t need to buy expensive gifts every time. Save those for special occasions. Small gifts can also work wonders in your relationship. The important thing is to regularly surprise your partner with gifts.

Never allow your family and friends to interfere in your relationship.

One common mistake we all make is that we often allow our family and friends to interfere in our relationships. Third-person interference always affects the bonding between you and your partner. Whether there is an argument between you guys or an important relationship decision to make, like extending family, it should always be by you and your partner only.

Unnecessary and too much involvement of third persons, like a close friend or family member, in your relationship can cause a lack of trust, confusion, misunderstandings, and even loneliness which are sufficient reasons to make your relationship crumble.

(Note: In toxic relationships, it is a must that you talk to your family, friends, and professionals.)

Have weekly date nights.

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Having a date night with your partner in a week helps you keep the romance and spark alive in your relationship. You can plan your date night at home by binge on a TV series or cooking dinner for your partner or you can have a dinner at quiet, quaint food joint.

Don’t feel pressured to create the perfect “date night.” Dates don’t always require dressing up and reservations. You can keep it simple and casual. You just need to enjoy your partner’s company and keep the relationship fresh and romantic.  

Don’t hold onto grudges.

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In every relationship, arguments are natural. But don’t make these arguments or fights personal. Don’t hold onto grudges. If you messed up, say you’re sorry. If your partner messed up, be willing to forgive them.

Don’t let small arguments escalate into huge fights that ruin your relationship. Just chill out, apologize when you need to, and forgive when you have to. Remember, it’s all good until you know that your partner and relationship are way more important than your ego.


We often disregard the importance of small gestures. However, these seemingly trivial actions can have a profound impact on our relationships. In this blog post, I have tried to draw attention to some of the small things we can do in our daily routines, with minimal effort, to nurture and strengthen our relationships.

Remember that love is a continuous process of rediscovery and reaffirmation, and these tips will help you keep the spark alive.

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