A relationship can be a source of joy, it can bring out the best in us.
But, at times, relationships can be challenging too and can have a detrimental impact on us.
Any relationship that is far from affection, respect, trust, empathy, equality, freedom, etc. is a toxic relationship.
Let's see 5 signs of a toxic relationship.
If there is a lack of trust in your relationship, this is a red flag.
Talk to your partner, openly and honestly, about it, and even after that there is no improvement, re-evaluate the relationship.
Distrust in a relationship can cause one partner to become jealous and psychologically abusive.
We must recognize this red flag and should have a conversation with our partners about how we feel and how their words and actions affect us. .
Making one partner feel inferior in a relationship is emotional abuse and may affect that individual's growth and well-being.
When one partner criticizes or, belittles his or her achievements, it creates an unhealthy power dynamics.
It is crucial to recognize this red flag and establish clear boundaries with your partner. It is important to nurture other relationships like trusted friendships, when you are with a controlling partner. .
Controlling partners may invade your privacy, demand to see your phone or chat history, or trespass your boundaries.
Making decisions for you, being overprotective, playing the blame game, micromanaging you or isolating you from others are some examples of controlling behavior.
In case of emotional manipulation and gaslighting exist, it is crucial to seek professional assistance and support to escape this harmful pattern.
Emotional manipulation and gaslighting can lead to feelings of confusion, self-doubt, and emotional distress.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation aimed at instilling doubt in one's thoughts and emotions.
It is important to recognize verbal abuse. Some forms of verbal abuse, such as shouting, have been normalized. But every form of verbal abuse is a severe red flag in a toxic relationship.
Verbal abuse, like physical abuse, can have long-lasting psychological effects. It can result in significant emotional distress.
Verbal abuse can be spoken, written, or even gestures.